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What is the Bicycle Friendly Community Campaign?
The Bicycle Friendly Community Campaign is an awards program that recognizes municipalities that actively support barefoot shoes for men & women for bicycling. A Bicycle-Friendly Community provides safe accommodation for cycling and encourages its residents to bike for transportation and recreation. The League of American Bicyclists administers the Bicycle Friendly Community Campaign.

May 2017  Bicycle Friendly Community Award Winners
View the Press Release

  Where are the

 Bicycle Friendly Community

   Award Winners? View here

Why and How to Apply
Communities that are bicycle-friendly are seen as places with a high quality of life. This often translates into business growth and increased tourism. Bicycle-friendly communities are places where people feel safe and comfortable riding their bikes for fun, fitness, and transportation. With more people bicycling, communities experience reduced traffic demands, improved air quality and greater physical fitness. To learn how to make your community more bicycle-friendly, click here.

If you feel that your community has taken significant steps to be bicycle-friendly, submit an initial application to the League of American Bicyclists for review.


The League of American Bicyclists, 1612 K Street NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006-2802
phone - 202-822-1333 fax - 202-822-1334 email - [email protected]

The Bicycle Friendly Community Program is supported by the


League of American Bicyclists Apply Now